Honjo Life Safety Learning Center- We should have it here!
First step we came in, we thought of how has been this learning center with all its facilities built by the government to enrich the knowledge of the citizen in facing disaster, hence every visitor who has came here know how to survive when disaster happen. We believe someday Indonesia also has this center in every province, every city, and every district. Ganbattekudasai! Every session in this learning center is NEW for us.We watched movie about Tohoku earthquake and its secondary disasters which is fire, how is the disaster looked from the sky, how firemen did the job, the rescue, and also the victims to survive. We also practiced how to fight a fire with fire extinguisher together with WASEND member, very interesting. Then we tried simulation to face a rainstrom with 30cm/sec speed, really scary! We also tried to open door which is trapped by the flood while we were inside a car and inside a building, when there is 10 c...