Learning Session with Pak Hamzah
Disasters happen when hazards meet vulnerability . As long as this condition is not fulfilled, disasters can be avoided. A hazard itself can take the form of a tsunami, storm, as well as others. The threat can be classified based on how long it takes place. There are slow disasters such as famine and drought, which happens in a long period of time and tend to affect the capacity of readily available food supplies, as well as fast disasters such as a tsunami, which happens in a relatively short time span. Vulnerability can mean physical vulnerability such as topography, the use of land, and infrastructure, as well as social and economical vulnerabilities faced by people living near the area. It is the poor who rely on a daily income that are most vulnerable, because when a disaster happens, they will not be able to work and will lose their daily income . An example regarding vulnerability would be the town of Padang. Geographically, it is an area with a high risk of landslides. However,...