BDSG Activities with KIDS from Kyoto University in West Java
BDSG hosted KIDS activities in Indonesia this year. In the previous years, KIDS used to conduct its activities in different cities in Indonesia, such as Yogyakarta, Aceh, Bali and Jakarta. But this year KIDS decided to conduct activities fully around Bandung. It was a very good opportunity for BDSG to develop its organization and gather more members through the cooperation with KIDS J KIDS members stayed with us for 10 days from the 21 st of September to the 30 th . We had three main activities this year with KIDS: (1) Sharing our organizations’ view and experience through the International University Exchange Seminar which was organized by ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) and Toyohashi University, (2) conducting disaster education in four elementary schools in Bandung and Garut, and (3) implementing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Homestay Program in Bandung and Ciwidey. The International University Exchange Seminar in which we presented our organizations was held in September...