Students from Three Japanese Universities conducted Activities with BDSG in Bandung
In September 2011, we cooperated with students from three Japanese Universities, i.e. Kyoto University, Waseda University and Toyohashi University. With the three universities we had a session in Bandung where we exchange our thoughts about the role of youth in disaster risk reduction. This session is part of the International University Exchange Seminar which was held by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Toyohashi University. One of BDSG members, Priba, was the coordinator of this seminar.
BDSG cooperated with students from Kyoto University and Waseda University in disaster education activities for elementary school children. The students group from Kyoto University is called KIDS (Kyoto University Disaster Prevention School) and that from Waseda is called Wasend (Waseda Student Organization for the Education of Natural Disaster).
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BDSG cooperated with students from Kyoto University and Waseda University in disaster education activities for elementary school children. The students group from Kyoto University is called KIDS (Kyoto University Disaster Prevention School) and that from Waseda is called Wasend (Waseda Student Organization for the Education of Natural Disaster).
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