
Showing posts from December, 2011

Bidang keahlian anggota BDSG dan komitmen untuk kontribusi di kebencanaan

Urusan kebencanaan selalu terkait dengan berbagai bidang. Terang saja, ilmu kebencanaan merupakan ilmu tentang kehidupan. Hanya saja fasenya berada di fase kehidupan yang 'tidak normal'. Nah ketika kita berbicara tentang kehidupan, seluruh bidang studi atau keahlian pasti terkait dengannya. Begitu juga dengan BDSG yang dibentuk dengan niat menyatukan mahasiswa dan peneliti muda dari berbagai bidang untuk kontribusi ke kesiapsiagaan masyarakat. List ini dibuat oleh anggota BDSG dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, pada tanggal 17 Desember 2011, setelah workshop mengenai kebencanaan dan bidang keahlian. List yang dibuat masing2 ini menyatakan komitmen anggota BDSG tersebut untuk mendalami bidangnya masing2 tersebut dan berbagi ilmunya ke seluruh anggota BDSG untuk kemudian jadi bahan kontribusi ke masyarakat. Saya tulis ulang sesuai yang ada di atas kertas ya: 1. Oseanografi (Tami, Adhit, Grace, Ipeh) yang bisa di share : a. Tsunami: fenomena di pesisir, hazard map,...

Workshop: Disaster and BDSG Members' Expertise

December 17th, 2011.. was the last BDSG official gathering in 2011. Next year BDSG will do better! :D The first session of the gathering was a workshop lead by our supervisor, Saut Sagala, on the basic of "disaster" and the relationship with BDSG members' expertise. In the beginning, we wrote one word which corresponds to each of the following points in a piece of paper (used paper, of course!) 1. Your immediate thoughts when hearing the word "disaster" 2. Name the most scary disaster to you 3. What causes (your answer) no.1 After we shared our answer and had a small discussion, we put our answers into these categories (in bigger papers): Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability, and Capacity. The result of our categorization: Hazard : gempa bumi (earthquake), gunung meletus (volcanic eruption), tsunami , badai (storm), alam (nature), besarnya (scale), mengejutkan (surprising), longsor (landslide) Risk : korban (victim), nyawa (life), kerugian (loss), ...

Questionnaire Survey Facilitation on "Role of Youth Unions in Bandung Municipality, Indonesia In Enhancing the Resilience to Disaster"

On Saturday, 12th November 2011 BDSG facilitated a questionnaire survey initiated by Mrs. Farah Mulyasari which aimed to collect data about role of youth to enhance disaster resilience in Bandung City. This survey was held as a part of her process to get Doctoral Degree in Kyoto University, and this time BDSG, as an organization which concern is about disaster risk reduction, became her partner. At this survey, there were 12 member of BDSG involved, who were divided into 10 facilitators (me,  Uly, Kokom, Aca, Cacan, Leits, Sapto, Danang, Capung, Alpian), facilitator coordinator (Iche), and 2 persons as admin (Cacan, and Caesar). Facilitators had to take care of almost 100 representatives of sub-district level  youth unions (Karang Taruna) and gave them explanation about the questionnaire, and admin had to handle on registration and certificates. Now let’s turn to the substantial of the questionnaire. From what I knew, the questionnaire has 3 aims, which are: 1. To...