Visit Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park

Firstly we assumed that this center is purely park. Yet, it is more than a park! This is our first time (BDSG) to come to a place like this, either for almost of WASEND members who accompanied us.

in front of main building of TRDPP
TRDPP is located in Odaiba, Tokyo. We visited main building which is a learning center. It has enjoyable game to learn about disaster. The center itself is located inside the park which is designed for evacuation place during disaster beside its contribution as green area for the city.

Answering the last question

a side in simulation room
We were welcomed by a kind tour guide who explained us about the game. It is simulation game in emergency response phase after disaster.The simulation game is named 72 hours survival. We used Nintendo DS as a guide on this simulation, but it was not 72 hours because it's only simulation. Japanese government can combine a game and  education in one package which are BDSG and WASEND members could feel as if we were in a real situation after earthquake. 

The game made us to answer some questions from the Nintendo DS. Before that, we were directed to a side in simulation room which has been designed as a city devastated by an earthquake, a little bit scary. If our answer is right, we earned points that would be accumulated at the end of the simulation. After the answer, then the screen gave us explanation about the situation in that question, so all the players understood what we should do in that kind of situation. Oh yeah, this game is especially for earthquake, maybe it will be developed in to another disaster simulation, who knows, Japan is progressive. From all over the aspect of this game, design of the room, questions, answers and explanations we could know how we can survive if earthquake happens. The method of disaster education from TRDPP is really interesting! And for your information, all BDSG and WASEND members could survive. Yeaa..! 

Beside that interesting game, TRDPP also has supporting facilities in emergency response phase after disaster. A room for monitoring situation after disaster, evacuation room, and exhibition hall which gives visitors information about disaster. We assumed this center is also a headquarter for Japan National Agency for Disaster, yeah it's like BNPB in Indonesia, hope BNPB will also has headquarter like this immediately. Let's hope! (adhit/iid)


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