DRR YEP 2013 Activity: Visiting PSBA (13th September 2013)

Actually this is about our 2nd day activity and it was the very first time for us to make connection with Yogyakarta’s institution. Both BDSG and WASEND were straining relationship to Pusat Studi Bencana Alam (PSBA - Natural Disaster Study Center) of Gadjah Mada University. We were so excited!

First Bapak Jati from PSBA UGM introduced their institution, followed by Adhitya from BDSG and Koichi Saito from WASEND. Then PSBA played a documentary film about their establishment and roles. Their core activity is to spread or publicize science so it’s acceptable and applicable to the community for disaster management in Yogyakarta and surrounding.

At the next session Bapak Made introduced PSBA’s role in detail. They have so many activities to handle. Surprisingly those activities are not only related to natural disasters but also disasters caused by human behavior! They think that the deviation of human behavior could lead people to the most destructive disaster ever, which is nation’s mental deterioration.

After following Bapak Made by introducing both BDSG and WASEND’s activity in detail, we came to the discussion session. In this session, since we still need to learn a lot from experienced institutions, both members were fired up to discuss PSBA’s performances. As we know, PSBA is supported by Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD - Regional Disaster Management Agency) and consists of disaster management lecturers and experts from UGM. They handle many issues about disaster in Yogyakarta and like any other organization; they still have problems that must be overcome.

PSBA has given our recent DRR YEP 2013 activities a big help. We really want to thank you for the cooperation and hope we can make a strong bond in disaster management at the future.



  1. Salam. Izin promosi ya gan. Terima kasih
    OKEYPROFITS meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat.

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