
Showing posts from 2012

Emergency Bag Campaign

Through DRR Homestay Program in Japan this Year, we were really moved by the real action taken by our host families. In each house, they have prepared emergency bags in case of disaster. Many people might have already known that emergency bag, which consists of various goods for at least 3 days, is important to be prepared. It's quite an easy thing to do, but not everyone is really doing it. In case of our host families, most of them were motivated to prepare after the 3.11 Tohoku Disaster. As for BDSG members, we are motivated after conducting DRR Homestay Program in those families. Here is our poster to invite everyone to prepare their own emergency bag.

Visit Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park

Firstly we assumed that this center is purely park. Yet, it is more than a park! This is our first time (BDSG) to come to a place like this, either for almost of WASEND members who accompanied us. in front of main building of TRDPP TRDPP is located in Odaiba, Tokyo. We visited main building which is a learning center. It has enjoyable game to learn about disaster. The center itself is located inside the park which is designed for evacuation place during disaster beside its contribution as green area for the city. Answering the last question a side in simulation room We were welcomed by a kind tour guide who explained us about the game. It is simulation game in emergency response phase after disaster.The simulation game is named 72 hours survival. We used Nintendo DS as a guide on this simulation, but it was not 72 hours because it's only simulation. Japanese government can combine a game and  education in one package which are BDSG and WASEND members could ...

About Our Workshop in Jakarta Shimbun


Honjo Life Safety Learning Center- We should have it here!

First step we came in, we thought  of how has been this learning center with all its facilities built by the government to enrich the knowledge of the citizen in facing disaster, hence every visitor who has came here know how to survive when disaster happen. We believe someday Indonesia also has this center in every province, every city, and every district. Ganbattekudasai! Every session in this learning center is NEW for us.We watched movie about Tohoku earthquake and its secondary disasters which is fire, how is the disaster looked from the sky, how firemen did the job, the rescue, and also the victims to survive. We also practiced how to fight a fire with fire extinguisher together with WASEND member, very interesting. Then we tried simulation to face a rainstrom with 30cm/sec speed, really scary! We also tried to open door which is trapped by the flood while we were inside a car and inside a building, when there is 10 c...

BDSG-WASEND visit JMA (Japan Meteorogical Agency)

We (BDSG members) arrived a little bit late at JMA office, jet lag is the only reason to be achieved.. :P  Okay ignore it and lets start, JMA is one of learning centers in Tokyo which has interactive media to help visitors to understand natural process on earth with sciences and technologies. Some of them are: 1. height measurement by counting length between heat limit of our body to the device. 2. explanation of ocean technology, earth science, shapes of water drop, and so on. 3. very small scale earthquake simulation table. It explains us process from the time when S signal came then followed by P signal. Between that time, people will get warning text automatically. We also feel the shake in small scale while we was seeing the wave reached our place and then a question came: "What would you do in that situation and that place?"  4. tsunami simulation pound. It simulated how tsunami wave devastated coastal area. Tsunami is one wave caused by earth shak...

BDSG-WASEND Workshop in Japan

This workshop was held in the very first day of the Youth Exchange Program in Japan, 3 September 2012. It aims to strengthen the cooperation between BDSG and WASEND members by exchanging information, knowledge and opinion regarding the disaster countermeasures in each country (Japan and Indonesia). The workshop was participated by 19 people in total, 7 of them are BDSG members. Almost all of us did not really know each other since we discussed only by emails or chats and only a few of WASEND members who participated in the workshop visited Bandung last year. The workshop contents include: 1. Ice breaking, some of them related to DRR 2. Presentation by WASEND and BDSG 3. Presentation by the freshmen of WASEND --> very inspiring! 4. Presentation by Mr.Sakaki, the Director of Engineers withouth Borders, Japan (EWB-Japan) 5. Workshop, discussing and brainstorming on ideas that correspond the discussion on:      a. Types of hazard in each selected home town of part...

Wanted: Homestay Buddy for DRR Homestay in Indonesia


Young People, Join Our Workshop: "Youth Movement for Disaster Risk Reduction"!


Support Our Youth-led DRR Action with Families in Indonesia and Japan: "DRR Homestay Program"

DRR HOMESTAY PROGRAM IN JAPAN AND INDONESIA “A New Approach in Promoting Disaster Risk Reduction at Home” Email: Facebook : Bandung Disaster Study Group Twitter: @ ichiewitchie BACKGROUND 1.         Japan and Indonesia, countries prone to various disasters. 2.         The urgency to implement disaster risk reduction at home, both in Japan and in Indonesia. 3.         Youth passion to contribute to society in reducing disaster risks. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Young people are potential pioneers in developing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) efforts in society. An organization which consists of young researchers and university students named  Bandung Disaster Study Group  is currently developing a new DRR action approach at family level, which at the same time increases youth capacity in a fun and interesting way. This a...

Dukung Aksi Pengurangan Risiko Bencana bersama Keluarga di Indonesia dan Jepang

Ayo dukung aksi PRB kami di tingkat Keluarga dan Komunitas melalui "DRR Homestay Program" melalui: sebelum 30 Agustus 2012 atau email Dengan mendukung, Anda juga berarti turut kontribusi dalam peningkatan kapasitas pemuda Indonesia dalam PRB.  Terima kasih ^ ^ BDSG Volunteer

Bencana dan Keterkaitannya dengan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Belakangan marak berita terjadi bencana di berbagai tempat di Indonesia. Menjadi pertanyaan tersendiri apakah terdapat hubungan antara kejadian bencana di suatu tempat dengan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota di tempat tersebut.  Pada dasarnya kebencanaan merupakan suatu aspek yang tidak dapat terpisahkan dengan ilmu perencanaan wilayah dan kota sendiri. Bencana yang terjadi karena adanya pertemuan antara Hazard dan Vulnerability, bukanlah sesuatu hal yang sama sekali tidak dapat dihindari atau paling tidak diminalisir dampaknya. Resiko dari terjadinya bencana pun akan semakin meningkat ketika tidak adanya kapasitas yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat di daerah tersebut. Risk= Hazard X Vulnerability Capacity Tata Ruang sebagai salah satu bentukan dari perencanaan wilayah dan kota memiliki banyak tujuan antara lain mewujudkan keharmonisan antara lingkungan alam dan lingkungan buatan, serta mewujudkan perlindungan fungsi ruang dan pencegahan dampak negatif terhad...


POST GREAT HANSHIN-AWAJI EARTHQUAKE: HOW JAPAN BUILD DISASTER AWARENESS WITHIN SOCIETY [1] By Mizan Bustanul Fuady BISRI [2] A. INTRODUCTION: THE GREAT HANSHIN-AWAJI EARTHQUAKE AND CONTEXT OF THE PAPER Japan is one of the most prone countries due to various disaster risks, e.g. earthquake, tsunami, typhoon, volcanic eruption, etc. However, the global world views Japan as an example  - a “good practices”  - in terms of how a country prepare themselves to overcome various risk, both from structural (physical) and non structural (policy, social engineering, etc.) approach [3] . Such state actually could not be achieved without social learning from past disaster. For Japan, Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in January 17 th 1995 was one of the disasters that re-shape Japanese path in creating disaster-resilient society. The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred on January 17 th 1995, 5.46 a.m. local time. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the north of Awaji Isla...