
Showing posts from 2011

Bidang keahlian anggota BDSG dan komitmen untuk kontribusi di kebencanaan

Urusan kebencanaan selalu terkait dengan berbagai bidang. Terang saja, ilmu kebencanaan merupakan ilmu tentang kehidupan. Hanya saja fasenya berada di fase kehidupan yang 'tidak normal'. Nah ketika kita berbicara tentang kehidupan, seluruh bidang studi atau keahlian pasti terkait dengannya. Begitu juga dengan BDSG yang dibentuk dengan niat menyatukan mahasiswa dan peneliti muda dari berbagai bidang untuk kontribusi ke kesiapsiagaan masyarakat. List ini dibuat oleh anggota BDSG dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, pada tanggal 17 Desember 2011, setelah workshop mengenai kebencanaan dan bidang keahlian. List yang dibuat masing2 ini menyatakan komitmen anggota BDSG tersebut untuk mendalami bidangnya masing2 tersebut dan berbagi ilmunya ke seluruh anggota BDSG untuk kemudian jadi bahan kontribusi ke masyarakat. Saya tulis ulang sesuai yang ada di atas kertas ya: 1. Oseanografi (Tami, Adhit, Grace, Ipeh) yang bisa di share : a. Tsunami: fenomena di pesisir, hazard map,...

Workshop: Disaster and BDSG Members' Expertise

December 17th, 2011.. was the last BDSG official gathering in 2011. Next year BDSG will do better! :D The first session of the gathering was a workshop lead by our supervisor, Saut Sagala, on the basic of "disaster" and the relationship with BDSG members' expertise. In the beginning, we wrote one word which corresponds to each of the following points in a piece of paper (used paper, of course!) 1. Your immediate thoughts when hearing the word "disaster" 2. Name the most scary disaster to you 3. What causes (your answer) no.1 After we shared our answer and had a small discussion, we put our answers into these categories (in bigger papers): Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability, and Capacity. The result of our categorization: Hazard : gempa bumi (earthquake), gunung meletus (volcanic eruption), tsunami , badai (storm), alam (nature), besarnya (scale), mengejutkan (surprising), longsor (landslide) Risk : korban (victim), nyawa (life), kerugian (loss), ...

Questionnaire Survey Facilitation on "Role of Youth Unions in Bandung Municipality, Indonesia In Enhancing the Resilience to Disaster"

On Saturday, 12th November 2011 BDSG facilitated a questionnaire survey initiated by Mrs. Farah Mulyasari which aimed to collect data about role of youth to enhance disaster resilience in Bandung City. This survey was held as a part of her process to get Doctoral Degree in Kyoto University, and this time BDSG, as an organization which concern is about disaster risk reduction, became her partner. At this survey, there were 12 member of BDSG involved, who were divided into 10 facilitators (me,  Uly, Kokom, Aca, Cacan, Leits, Sapto, Danang, Capung, Alpian), facilitator coordinator (Iche), and 2 persons as admin (Cacan, and Caesar). Facilitators had to take care of almost 100 representatives of sub-district level  youth unions (Karang Taruna) and gave them explanation about the questionnaire, and admin had to handle on registration and certificates. Now let’s turn to the substantial of the questionnaire. From what I knew, the questionnaire has 3 aims, which are: 1. To...

DRR Homestay Program: New Approach for DRR at Household Level

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Homestay Program, initiated by Risye and Mizan, our BDSG members, and developed together through BDSG - KIDS cooperation in September 2011, is a new approach to implement DRR efforts in household level which at the same time promotes friendship and mutual understanding among its participants. Here is the concept:  Objectives To encourage disaster risk reduction in household level To exchange positive values between Indonesian and Japanese culture in daily lives       To enhance mutual understanding and friendship between students and Indonesian society Main Activities 1.        Interaction between Japanese student and Indonesian student with the host family 2.        Assessment of vulnerability and capacity of the house 3.        Discussion and action to reduce disaster risks at home Guideline 1.      ...

Simulasi Crossroad Game untuk Persiapan Kegiatan di SMA

BDSG melakukan sharing session edisi Bulan Oktober 2011 sekaligus persiapan materi untuk kegiatan di SMA. Materi yang disimulasikan adalah Crossroad Game, sebuah permainan yang berasal dari Jepang, dibuat awalnya berdasarkan situasi-situasi riil pada gempa Kobe tahun 1995. Namun “situasi” dalam Crossroad Game yang akan diimplementasikan di kegiatan kami di SMA akan disesuaikan dengan calon pemainnya, yaitu siswa SMA. Simulasi Crossroad Game dihadiri 11 orang dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok dan 2 sesi. SESI 1 Fasilitator: Iche Kelompok A : Priba, Fia, Aca, Agung Kelompok B : Danang, Ilah, Iid, Pinat SITUASI 1 : Bayangkan kamu sebagai Siswa SMA Ketika kamu belajar di sekolah, gempa besar terjadi. Kamu khawatir akan ayah, ibu dan adik – adik kamu. Jaringan telepon tidak bisa bekerja pada saat seperti ini. Apakah kamu pulang ke rumah?        A. Ya, Kamu pulang ke rumah B. Tidak, Kamu tidak pulang ke rumah SITUASI 2 : Bayangkan kamu sebagai Siswa  Kelas 3 SMA...

BDSG Activities with KIDS from Kyoto University in West Java

BDSG hosted KIDS activities in Indonesia this year. In the previous years, KIDS used to conduct its activities in different cities in Indonesia, such as Yogyakarta, Aceh, Bali and Jakarta. But this year KIDS decided to conduct activities fully around Bandung. It was a very good opportunity for BDSG to develop its organization and gather more members through the cooperation with KIDS J KIDS members stayed with us for 10 days from the 21 st of September to the 30 th . We had three main activities this year with KIDS: (1) Sharing our organizations’ view and experience through the International University Exchange Seminar which was organized by ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) and Toyohashi University, (2) conducting disaster education in four elementary schools in Bandung and Garut, and (3) implementing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Homestay Program in Bandung and Ciwidey.   The International University Exchange Seminar in which we presented our organizations was held in September...

BDSG Activity with Wasend from Waseda University

- to be continued -

Students from Three Japanese Universities conducted Activities with BDSG in Bandung

In September 2011, we cooperated with students from three Japanese Universities, i.e. Kyoto University, Waseda University and Toyohashi University. With the three universities we had a session in Bandung where we exchange our thoughts about the role of youth in disaster risk reduction. This session is part of the International University Exchange Seminar which was held by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Toyohashi University. One of BDSG members, Priba, was the coordinator of this seminar. BDSG cooperated with students from Kyoto University and Waseda University in disaster education activities for elementary school children. The students group from Kyoto University is called KIDS (Kyoto University Disaster Prevention School) and that from Waseda is called Wasend (Waseda Student Organization for the Education of Natural Disaster). - to be continued -

Simulation of Bosai Duck Game

Bosai Duck game mainly aims to train young children on how to respond to a threat. Bosai (in Japanese) means disaster prevention, and Duck (in English) refers to the pose associated with ‘duck’, the animal. The ‘duck’ pose, to drop, cover and hold, is a recommended first-act response if an earthquake occurs. Bosai Duck was created by T. Kikkawa and K. Yamori in 2005, which mainly targeted pre-school children in Japan. This game uses cards which contain illustrations on both sides; one side illustrates the threat, and the other side illustrates the appropriate response to the threat. After learning about each threat and practicing the appropriate responses, the game starts. The players start the game by singing any songs while dancing or marching. In the middle of the singing, facilitator will show one of the threat cards randomly. The players should yell the correct keyword while posing in response to the shown card. After posing, the facilitator may tell the correct appropriate res...

Simulation of Cross Road Game

Crossroad game aims to help participants in the preparation for disasters within their communities. This game uses "Yes" and "No" cards, in order to answer a dilemmatic situation which could happen during the disaster event. With each person's argument and discussions, necessary disaster preparation could be defined. Crossroad game items were based on real events during the Kobe earthquake in 1995. The items were created through interviews with those who really experienced Kobe earthquake, i.e. volunteers, government officers, and survivors. We simulated this game in February 12, 2011. Here is the summary of the activity. Number of participants: Facilitator: Risye Number of groups: 4 groups, each group consisted of 5 - 7 persons Items played: 1. 2. Procedure: We played 2 items for 4 groups (two groups have the same one item). 1. Read the situation written in a piece of paper for each group 2. Each person decides to answer yes or no and put the ye...

Afternoon Talk on Japan's recent Earthquake and Introduction of BDSG in ITB

Last Wednesday, 23 March 2011, KM (Keluarga Mahasiswa) ITB invited BDSG and students of ITB in a presentation on Japan's recent earthquake in Kanto-Tohoku region by an exchange student from Waseda University, Yuya Kishimoto, followed by the commencement of donation activities for Japan in ITB. Our group BDSG was given a chance to present in the beginning of the Afternoon Talk. On behalf of BDSG, Mizan, our coordinator, gave the introduction of BDSG with its mission and activities. Yuya talked about the history of earthquakes in Japan as the opening remarks of his presentation. He further highlighted the positive Japanese spirit which supports them in facing the disaster. The proofs of this Japanese spirit were found through the statements collected through twitter. In the discussion, several questions were raised regarding this, such as whether this disaster affects Japanese beliefs about God, how the Japanese people could establish such positive behavior (e.g. being tolerant t...

BDSG 2nd Meeting

2 nd BDSG Meeting We had three sessions. The first two were the Sharing Session by our members from geology students (GEA) and urban & regional planning students (HMP). The last one was a session about passion and ideas brainstorming by Iche. Sharing Session 1, GEA GEA learners shared about their expertise in disaster studies, their willingness to raise awareness of people and their constraints in approaching the local communities for DRR efforts. They think that university students have capacities not only to volunteer in response to a disaster, but also to do something before a disaster happens. GEA is now trying to focus their research and volunteering activities in Tangkuban Perahu volcano area. They shared with the other BDSG learners by using a hazard map of Tangkuban Perahu, to which area the predicted future eruption will direct. They prioritized this area (Ciater Village) for their disaster education program to be held. A discussion based on GEA learners’ idea was conduc...

Learning Session